How to Make Money as a Brand Ambassador – 10 Superb Ways You Must Know

How to Make Money as a Brand Ambassador

A brand Ambassador is someone who advertises your brand, with your blessing, to bring in more clients and improve the turnover for the company. The more clients they generate the more a brand will pay them – or gift them items from the brand.

In this social media age, being a brand ambassador is easy if you have the right tools for the job. Here are ten top tips to get you started.

1. Build your Following

If you want a big brand to sponsor you as an ambassador for them, you will have to show that you have a far-reaching and large audience. Work hard to increase your following. The numbers don’t lie and are there for a brand to see your potential.

Instagram and Twitter are probably the best tools to use.

2. Love the Brand

If there is a brand that you are passionate about, you might as well cash in on it. The likelihood is that you already own a good proportion of their offerings. So, get some beautiful pictures taken of you with the product(s) and share, share, share. Use the hashtags to make sure the right people get to see them.

If you are diligent enough to keep putting the pictures or quotes etc out there, and the right person sees it, you could become a brand ambassador organically. What is there to lose? You have the items; you want to show them off anyway – why not get paid for it?

Using this method can be extremely satisfying as you have, in effect, choose the brand – rather than it choosing you.

3. Start a Blog

If you don’t already have one, this is a fantastic way to get yourself out there. If there is a particular brand you want to represent, find out about them. What are their values? What is their strapline? Are they affiliated to any particular charities or organisations?

Finding the answers to the above questions can help you resonate with them if they hear about your blog (which they will because you will be going hashtag crazy with it!)

Try and tune in to what people will identify with and keep at it. Most bloggers get fed up and miss days which leads to lack of interest. If you keep it current and always blog when you say you will, you are more likely to keep the audience you already have and in turn gain more.

4. Network

NetworkYou don’t have to just stick to an online presence. If you see that a brand you are interested in is having an event, go to the event (if you can). Make sure that you let everyone know you are going (via social media) and give feedback from the event afterwards.

Whilst at the event try and get some names, so that you can tag them into your ‘reporting’ of the event and make it clear that you would like to represent their brand – without being completely overbearing and indicating that you know more than they do!

5. Collaborate

You are not going to be able to jump right into an ‘ambassadorship’. If you don’t already have a large following on your social media accounts, getting them will take time. However, you are probably chomping at the bit to get out there and show what you have got.

Reach out to the brand you are interested in and offer your services for free. Let them know you are passionate about their product and bring some ideas to them. This is not always easy, but it is not impossible. Once you have a foot in the door, the likelihood is that you will be able to persuade them that you can help grow their brand…and get paid for it.

6. Take the old fashioned route

Search online for opportunities. Brands are actually advertising now for brand ambassadors.

As long as you are confident that you have grown your following enough to be taken seriously and are interested in the brand being advertised…it can be that simple!

7. Behave yourself!

No-one wants a troublemaker to represent their brand. Keep your posts relevant and unbiased as you never know who you are going to be working with!

8. Stay Active on Social Media

To be successful and make money as a brand ambassador you will need to put in the time even after being given the position.

You cannot be lazy when it comes to social media. You cannot afford to have that day when you ‘can’t be bothered’. Make sure that what you are posting is in-line with the brand beliefs and ethos. Make sure your content is accurate and current.

9. Follow the news

In order to be engaging, you have to be current. Even if you are not particularly interested in a specific world event, you cannot pretend it did not happen. Make sure you know what is going on in the world to show that you are not using a pre-prepared dialogue. BUT, don’t give opinions on politics or other contentious subjects as you will alienate those who don’t feel the same as you…unless the brand specifically asks you to.

10. Be Positive

Be positive People will be looking at you. Your old posts and any new ones should always retain a positive outlook. Followers have their own problems and don’t want to hear about yours. You are selling them the dream – be it a pair of jeans, a cake or a holiday in the sun!

In Conclusion

It is easy to make money as a brand ambassador providing the pairing fits. Don’t grasp at an offer from a brand you don’t like or have no passion for.

The best brand ambassadors are the ones who care about the brand they are advertising – be it the ethics of the brand or the offerings they have for sale. Either way, make sure you feel comfortable in representing it – and look at the small print too…if you represent this brand will it mean you can never be seen interacting with another brand (i.e. in clothing; if you represent a brand are you banned from being seen wearing a competitor’s brand?)

As always, the main thing to think about is whether this is a passing phase or a fully fledged business proposition for you. If you are not serious about doing it there is way too much preparatory work to be done to treat it as a phase.


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