Do you still try to figure out, is graphic design in demand? Then you need to know that graphic design is one of those jobs that everyone would like to do for their career, it allows you to immerse yourself in design and creativity and keep your job fresh and fun, but in reality, it can be very difficult to land one of these jobs, but why? Don’t worry we’re here to help figure out why it is so hard to get a graphic design job and what you can do about it.
Low Number Of Jobs
Whilst we always seem to be immersed in design, there are actually very few graphic design jobs available. A lot of them have already been filled and people don’t want to leave secure employment, so due to this, there aren’t actually that many jobs available in the first place.
The Changing Nature Of Graphic Design
Like with any other industry, graphic design is also subject to technological chance and advanced, previously graphic designers would only work on computers for computers or develop for mobile platforms. You can’t be platform specific anymore and need to look at which platforms you can work, develop and design on. You need to make sure that you are keeping up with the ever-changing face of technology and ensure that your skills aren’t left behind.
Talent Pools
As with every desirable job, there are talent pools and graphic design is the same. There are thousands of very talented graphic designers for only a few jobs so you want to make sure that you stand out and that you are aware of how the roles are changing. Keep your knowledge updated and keep working on your own projects so that you remain at the top of the talent pool.
Your CV Is Design Based
This may seem counter intuitive as you are a graphic designer but gone are the days when you could get away with only bringing this skill set to an organisation. Your CV needs to talk about other skills that you have outside of the design sphere. It can be anything, from pitching to clients, communication, working across an array of platforms or other skills that you may have. You really need to sell your additional skills, not just your design skills experience.
The Presentation Of Your Work
It can be really difficult putting together a portfolio of your favourite work and it can also be very difficult presenting yourself in a way that you want to be taken seriously. When you build your portfolio, remember it is quality over quantity, it is far better for you to put in 3 finished and highly polished pieces as against 7 pieces that are 95% there.
You want to demonstrate that you know how to finish up and wrap up a project, by not showing your perspective employers that you know how to do this, you are letting yourself down. When it comes to the presentation of yourself, take the same ethos. It is better to be polished and overdressed, rather than be 95% there. People will always appreciate the effort you have made, even if they didn’t specify a dress code.
You Don’t Take Critique Well
If someone critiques your work and you instantly jump to its defence, it may be that you aren’t open to new suggestions. If your prospective employer offers critique and areas for improvement, listen to the suggestions and open up a discussion about these facts rather than getting defensive. Not only does it show that you are open to changing designs, it also shows that you are able to work with other people whose design ideas don’t match your own.
Welcome Collaboration
Even if you have never worked in a team before, collaboration can certainty help you open doors. Whether you enjoy it or not, it can be the difference of securing employment and your interview being put to the bottom of the pile. Collaborations are an excellent way of sharing and developing ideas and some employers love this think tank style work. By saying you are open to collaborating and working in teams not only makes you more employable, but you might even like it.
Develop Your Knowledge Base
If you are struggling to gain employment, find out what other graphic designers are doing, what platforms they are working on and other new technological developments that may impact you. By keeping up with the latest trends, you are making sure that your skill set will always be current and valuable. If you don’t maintain your knowledge base, you will be overlooked in favour of newer and more up to date graphic designers, so it is always worth investing in yourself, even if you are still looking for employment.
In the gig economy, securing full time contracts that give staff benefits can be very difficult. If you have a lot of experience under you and you are confident in your portfolio, it may be worth going out by yourself and freelancing. There are very few graphic designer jobs available, so working on a case by case basis can help you keep up your skills and supplement your income whilst you continue to look for a fulltime opportunity.
Final Thoughts
Graphic design jobs are few and far between and when they are available, it is highly competitive. The main thing to remember is that you will need to keep working and developing your skills to keep your knowledge current. If you don’t maintain and expand your skills, you may find that your knowledge becomes outdated and you will lose out on jobs to fresher talent. Due to the gig economy, there are less full-time jobs that provide employees with benefits than ever before, because of this, there are less positions, especially in industries such as design. Maybe consider going freelance to supplement your income until you find a job, this way you will keep your skills up and you can even learn new ones to make sure you remain desirable and talented.