When it comes to making money online there are few things that you can do that don’t require you to learn a new skill. We all went through phases as kids and one of those phases was magic cards. Magic: The gathering cards started in 1993 and were the benchmark for all games cards since. They were about well before that of Pokemon and still remain popular in some circles today, but if you some magic cards and you aren’t sure what to do with them, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here is how you can make money with magic cards.
Selling Your Own Magic Cards
If you have a collection of magic cards, then you may well have a stash of money hidden away in your wardrobe. Whilst not all the cards are worth a fortune, there are definitely some that can help you earn a few pounds. Most cards are worth an average of 10c per card, but some can be worth up to a thousand dollars. So it is worth checking out which cards you have to see if they could be sold as a job lot or whether you can sell them as individual cards. With some cards being worth more than others, it is worth conducting research prior to putting them all up together.
Where To Sell Your Cards
When it comes to selling your magic cards, there are a few ways you can do this. One of the tried and tested ways is using sites such as eBay. This way you can be sure that you get a decent level of protection afforded to you when you make the transaction. You can sell as many together as you would like, as well as singularly. You can also sell your cards to a collector, there are still comic book stores around who will happily pay a good price for good quality cards.
Buying and Selling Cards
You can also make money from Magic: The Gathering cards by buying and selling. There are a few ways that you can do this and it all depends on the amount of money that you have to spend as well as the time you want to dedicate to it. One way that you can make money is to speculate which cards will be worth money. Of late, the market has seen some volatility in terms of pricing. Cards that were initially worth 10c at run, then became worth up to $80 overnight. The issue with this method of buying and selling is that it largely relies on speculation and guess work. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of rhyme or reason as to what cards to do well and what cards don’t. However, if you don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to other methods of buying and selling, then this could be a good option for you.
Buying Crates
If you have time on your hands and you are ready to do a deep dive into Magic: The Gathering cards then buying crates may well be a good option. This requires time as you will need to meticulously go through the crates of cards and work out the values that are associated with each. This is a long, drawn out and arduous process, however the rewards can be astounding, especially if you have a good knowledge of the game. You may even begin to be able to speculate which cards could be worth more money in the future. When you break open a crate of cards, you need to begin grouping them together. This is where prior knowledge of the game and cards will come in useful. The better you are at grouping them together, the better you will be able to see what type of collection you have from that crate. Be under no illusion, this process takes time, especially if you are wanting to maximise your money from the crate of cards. It will always be good to do some research and learning if you aren’t sure where to start as this can make the process far quicker. The crate option is also the cheaper of the two options if you are looking to maximise your investment. Our first option relies very heavily on gambling and speculation on things that may or may not happen, which is why the crate option will always be our preference. However, we appreciate that not everyone has the time to be able to do this.
Wrap Up
Magic: The Gathering cards are not as prevalent as they once were but that doesn’t mean they aren’t any less collectable. When it comes to making money off these cards, you can do a few things. You can either break down your own personal collection and sell the ones now that are worth the money or hold onto ones you think may well be worth something in the future. If you have time to invest, then you can look at investing in crates of cards. These take a long time to break down, however the investment of time can be made up with the profits that you can make from it. Finally, the most risky option is the speculation on a few single cards. This is where you guess which ones may increase in value. Currently there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to this, but people have managed to win big from it.